Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Colonial Hills Christian School (Baptist Church)

This is where I attended school from second grade till I graduated high school. As far as I know it is now still called Colonial Hills Baptist Church, but if anyone knows for sure please let me know and I'll correct this. I had not been in the area in forever and a lot has changed.

On the left is the auditorium and the right is the large parkinglot.

Band room.

Parking lot that led to both playgrounds. This parking lot ends about half way down. The lower playground doesn't exist anymore. It's covered in ivy. There is a small but beautiful little park further back. Also, the small playground that was behind the yellow house appeared to be used by a private residence.

I can't remember what this room was called but I remember watching movies in here.

Many mornings and afternoons were spent hanging out here. The school lunch room was just inside.

Feel free to share memories. I'll go back and get more photos if anyone is interested. 


  1. CHCS and the church moved to Lithia Springs in 96.Milton Kerr was the pastor but moved to a Canadian mission was replaced by John Smith.I heard he quit recently,don't know if they have a permanent replacement for him yet.

    1. Milton Kerr was the Pastor but I am not sure of his replacement. Dr. Wes Smith was the principle/school administrator for many years after I graduated in 2000 and has recently decided to be an independent missionary; currently raising support for a trip abroad in the near future.

      Spencer - Class of 2000

  2. The "lower" playground as you called it was never part of CHCS, it was a city park that we used. The smaller playground I believe was sold to the yellow house when the school closed.

    1. I don't even remember any other playground but the "lower" city park/playground.

  3. By the way, where are the pictures of the gym and the bookstore?

  4. The house your don't remember was used for after school care as long as I remember

    1. The house in question is where my seventh grade science class was held in the school 1971-1972. The teacher was Lewellyn (I don't recall his first name).

    2. The house in question is where my seventh grade science class was held in the school 1971-1972. The teacher was Lewellyn (I don't recall his first name).

  5. What was the former address of COlonial Hills Christian School. I went there when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade back in 1971-1973 and can remember so much. Any feedback or help is appreciated.

    1. Hi Eric
      I don't know if you are still around online, but a scammer is using your photo here on www.match.com as user suhaad11 and saying "he" is "Brian."
      I'm an attorney who was scammed on Match and I am trying to find/stop these people. But I thought you would want to know your picture is being used.
      If you are willing, please email me as I could use your "testimony" that someone else is using your picture on "Match.com" ...unless of course
      you are just going by the name Brian on Match.com!
      Thank you
      Sara slmndl@msn.com

  6. I live in Santa Clarita, CA. I grew was born in Los Angeles and have spend the majority of my life in Southern California. But...as a child our family moved to Georgia and we settled in East Point. We lived there for five years and I attend K-2 at CHCS. These year were a financial struggle for our family. But the Lord used some great friends at CHCS to survive.

  7. So wonderful to see these pictures. I would love to see more. I attended school there K-5, 1971-1976. The small white house across from the auditorium looks like my 5th grade classroom. Miss Wilkes and Mrs. Cornelius shared it. It was a great school.

    1. I loved Ms Cornelius and Miss Decker. They were true Bright Lights! However, the Asst Principal whose name I gratefully can’t recall was the Antichrist. Once a dog got in the front door and she literally kicked him out. It was an awful memory that still sticks with me.

  8. Wow, such fond memories! The great Church was founded by Jessie Hendley in 1932. Grew to be one of the greatest Missionary minded Churches in the south. Paul Vangorder took over the reigns in 1944 and expanded it with one of , if not, the first Christian elementary schools in Georgia. I enrolled my oldest Son there in Kindergarten in 1967 and he graduated from HS in 1981. My two younger Sons also went there from 79 to 84 when we moved. The Church folded in mid 80s and School relocated to Lithia Springs when the property was sold.

    1. I graduated in 1981....who is your son?

  9. I used to go to Colonial Hills Baptist Church, but our family had moved to Decatur, and then to NE ATL. Just drove by 'cause I carry passengers to airport a lot. Decided to drive by. Using the photos above, was able to ID the place, but it is all abandoned and in disrepair. Always sad to see decay on this plane, but I rejoice in the gift the Lord has given so richly through those who served and led during the active phase of this location. Glad to know the church is active in its new location and still leading souls to a saving knowledge of Christ our Lord and Savior.

  10. I recall attending CHBC in the early 70s during a time when the church was without a pastor. Each week, a guest pastor would speak. Actually, a great time, great guest speakers! My family moved shortly after I began at Woodward and I quickly lost touch but also recall VBS, the Denny girls, Thorn(e) ? and others. So long, ago. Decades later, I passed by while on my way to Ft Mac; sad to see its condition.

  11. I went there as a child this was back in the early 70’s I have horrible memories of that school… and the horrible people that ran it !!!
